
北岸华人社区网络信托(North Shore Chinese Community Network Trust,NSCCN)由中国社区领袖,代表奥克兰20多家华人社团和亚洲支持机构的服务提供者组成,共有超过5000名华人社区成员。


发布时间:2018-02-14 17:05:50

北岸华人社区网络信托(North Shore Chinese Community Network Trust,NSCCN)由中国社区领袖,代表奥克兰20多家华人社团和亚洲支持机构的服务提供者组成,共有超过5000名华人社区成员。

我们每个月的联络网会议第三周的星期二,将会由华人社团代表在hearts & minds NZ (二楼) 65 Pearn Crescent, Northcote, Auckland 0627,欢迎代表们参加。


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•促进中国文化,并将中国文化与新家(新西兰)的当地传统 联系起来


主席: Felix Lin

董事会成员: Judy He,Zhongcheng Pan,Eva Chang , Daniel Dong, Mario Tang

The North Shore Chinese Community Network Trust (NSCCN) consists of Chinese community leaders and service providers representing over 20 Chinese associations and Asian support agencies in Auckland, collectively reaching over 5000 members of the Chinese community. 

The objectives of the Trust are:

To facilitate networks and connections between the Chinese community groups on the North Shore

To enable the sharing of information, and to serve the Chinese community on the North Shore together

To promote Chinese culture as well as connect the Chinese culture with the local heritage of their new home – New Zealand

Cooperate and work together towards a harmonious community on the North Shore

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