
新西兰基督城广东同乡会成立于2007年9月8日, 本协会是一个非政治,非宗教,非营利的民间慈善团体。 我们协会注册会员接近400人,本协会宗旨是:弘扬和保持优良的华夏文化和传统风俗, 团结乡亲,促进新西兰多元文化的形成与完善, 帮助华裔移民融入主流社会, 为在新西兰的广东人士提供一个相互学习、交流、娱乐和互助的环境, 也让新西兰本地人更多地了解中国,了解家乡的风土人情。


发布时间:2018-01-08 15:29:23

华人其实更确切地说广东人来新西兰南岛的历史可追溯到160年历史了。当年他们背井离乡,漂洋过海来到了这个南太平洋的宝岛上。但这个岛的主人并不是他们, 白领的工作,管理的工作论不到广东人。这些壮丁他们干什么呢,他们干的是寄人篱下,象牛马一样的重体力活,淘金苦力是当时适合他们唯一的工作。 当年新国政府对待他们实在是太不公平,要求他们缴纳非常昂贵的人头税 (相当于当时十年的工作收入),更不允许他们的妻子家属过来团聚,以及禁止入籍等。

如今, 历史证明了一切, 广东人以其勤劳,勇敢,坚韧不拔,团结互助,诚实并遵纪守法,奋发向上的精神,他们逐步赢得当地政府和人民的认可,信赖及尊重。他们的子孙后代们干的工作与白人们没有什么两样,最后他们赢得了新国最高领导人总理向全国华人因为过去历史上对华人(广东人)不公平的待遇而道歉,当然这与祖国的日益强大和国际地位的提高是分不开的。

2007年6月23到28日,基督城正举行世界瞩目的世界文化遗产评选大会,来自全球几十个国家的代表们六百多人云集在这里, 开会讨论,盼望地等待评选的结果, 经过紧张的争夺之后,广东开平的雕楼与村落,以其独特的中西文化结合的建筑风格及其丰富的内含意义众望所归地成功入选,也证明了中国政府和人民为保护世界文化遗产作出了巨大的努力。

当晚,广东省副省长雷于蓝,侨办吕伟雄书记及开平市赵瑞彰书记等大批申遗先锋部队从基督城赶赴北岛奥克兰市与当地华侨团体庆祝申遗的成功。 在欢庆期间,我与副省长,侨办书记及其他侨领一起交谈,对今天庆祝活动未能在获胜的地方基督城举办实在有点遗憾。当今的新西兰华人社团有100多个,大部分集中在北岛奥克兰市, 而华人最早来定居的南岛,公开活动才10多个,尤其是南岛最大的城市基督城居然还没有一个有广东乡土文化的社团,这就是庆祝会没有在基督城举办的原因。在省长,侨办书记,新西兰著名侨领黄玮璋先生,屋仑华侨会所副会长王定熊先生,华人科学家协会主席余嘉顺博士等鼓励下,我下决心回基督城筹办成立广东同乡会。

7月初,我就满怀兴奋的心情开始着手办两件事。一,起稿章程。二,成立筹备委员会。请教别的有名望的华人社团协助。当然了,我的计划也得到了太太的衷心支持, 她说为广东老乡做好事,一万个支持。因为自己有以前做中华协会会长的成功经验,再加上虚心多次请教了老华侨协会主席吴光明教授,著名侨领黄玮璋先生,余嘉顺博士等等有丰富经验的知名人士,章程的起稿心中就有底了, 同时也得到了新西兰广东同乡会(奥克兰),新西兰湖北同乡会,福建同乡会的声援,他们都发来了自己的章程给我参琢。经过深思熟虑, 一个星期后我们基督城广东同乡会章程第一稿诞生了。

章程是一个社团的灵魂,也是一个社团的准则与法律, 广东同乡会不是我个人的组织,它属于所有本地广东人和其他华人的组织。为了筹办好这个同乡会, 为这个章程更符合广大华人的目标和利益,我必须成立筹备委员会,首先对章程进行充分的讨论与修改,其次是齐心合力地办好今后的同乡会。

真是功夫不负有心人,我将这设想放点风声出来时,没有一个人不表示赞成的, 不但是广东人支持,连兄弟省的朋友都支持,说广东同乡会早就应该有了。很快的一个星期的时间,在基督城比较知名的其他六位人士都非常乐意地加盟到筹备委员会里,更难能可贵的是他们的家属也热烈相助。这七人筹备委员会除我自己外,还有郭冠华,杜建华,李珏,欧阳宇,谭铭勋,郭锦荣。他们当中有的人有相当丰富社团经验的, 也有一半是没有社团经验的,但我们都为一个共同的目标,团结广东人,提高广东人的社会声望,热爱家乡,热爱祖国,齐心协力办好广东同乡会,为我们现在的所在国-新西兰做出贡献。那几位没参加过社团经验的委员说,从前没有心思参加其他社团活动,如今因我的倡议,为自己广东的社团,出来贡献点力量是毫不含糊的。正如一个非常热心奉献社团事业的杜建华说,他现在已经是老华联会秘书了, 又是华人狮子会的秘书,但是他更觉得办广东同乡会将会更好地团结广东人,团结其他省份的朋友,架好沟通新华侨与老华侨的桥梁,新的广东同乡会更有活力,更加有意义。


同时关于章程的合理,合法意义上我请教了基督城市政厅专门负责社团工作的Jenni Marr女士以及社区法律中心的律师,得到了他们的热情支持。在此我紧代表基督城广东同乡会的全体理事及会员向以上关心,支持和帮助我们同乡会筹办及成立的朋友们致以衷心的感谢!



我们成立了第一届理事会后,各位理事就开始了着手筹办晚宴来庆祝成立了。经过所有理事的紧张配合,共同努力下,九月八日基督城广东同乡会在Riccarton Buffet餐厅正式成立了。到会见证祝贺的嘉宾200多人,包括中华人民共和国驻新西兰大使馆副馆长赵彦博政务参赞,新西兰商务部长Lianne Dalziel, 统计部长Clayton Cosgrove, 黄徐毓芳国会议员,著名侨领黄玮璋,王定熊,余嘉顺及基督城各华人社团代表等,还有97岁老华侨陈松兴先生,基督城第一位华人医生余炎渠先生也激动地到场,见证了这历史性的时刻。


Background of the establishment of the Christchurch Guangdong Association

The history of the Chinese, or more precisely Cantonese, coming to the New Zealand South Island can be traced back to 160 years ago when they left their home country and arrived on this precious island in the South Pacific Ocean by sea. However, they were not the hosts here, and the white collar and/or management jobs did not belong to them. What these laborers could do was only heavy labor work, and they worked like cattle and horses, living under other people's roofs.  Gold mining was the only work that suited them. The treatment from the New Zealand government was really unfair, as they were forced to pay very expensive personal tariffs to come here (it was equivalent to 10 years income back then), their family members were not allowed to reunite with them, and they were forbidden to apply for citizenship.

Now, history has proved everything. The Cantonese have earned recognition, trust and respect from the government and people here by their hard work, bravery, persistence, unity and help to each other, honesty and being law abiding. The jobs that their offspring are performing are no different from the jobs that the Pakeha are performing. Finally, they have earned an official apology from the New Zealand Prime Minister for the past unfair treatment towards the New Zealand Chinese (Cantonese); this of course has a close link with the growing power and higher international reputation of China.

Between 23 and 28 June 2007, the World Heritage Selection Conference was held in Christchurch, New Zealand, where over 600 delegates from tens of countries gathered, having meetings and discussions and waiting for the result of selection. After fierce contention, the Guangdong Kaiping Watch and Civilian Village was successfully selected as World Heritage as expected, due to its unique combination building style of Chinese and Western cultures and its comprehensive meaning. This is also proof that the Chinese government and people have made a tremendous effort to protect world heritage.

The same night, the world heritage application pioneers - the Vice Governor of Guangdong Province Yu Lan, the Overseas Chinese Office Secretary Lu Weixiong and Kaiping City CCP Secretary Zhao RuiZhang went to Auckland in the North Island from Christchurch to celebrate the successful application with local Chinese groups. During this celebration, I have talked with the Vice Governor, the Overseas Chinese Office Secretary and other overseas Chinese community leaders, and felt that it was a pity that the celebration could not hold in Christchurch where the successful application was made. Currently, there are over 100 Chinese associations in New Zealand and the majority of them are in Auckland. The South Island, where the Chinese settled in the first place, especially in Christchurch, the biggest city in the South Island, had no Chinese association directly related to Cantonese local culture, and this was the reason why the celebration was not held in Christchurch. With the encouragement from the Vice Governor, the Overseas Chinese Office Secretary, New Zealand well known Chinese leader, Chairman of the United Chinese Association of New Zealand, Mr. Steven Wong, Vice chairman of the Auckland Chinese Community Centre Mr. Tony Wong, and Chairman of the New Zealand Chinese Scientists Association Dr. Jiashun Yu, I became determined to establish our Guangdong Association when I come back to Christchurch.

In early July, I started to do two things with great excitement – one is to write a regulation draft for the association and second is to form a preparatory committee and to consult with other well known Chinese associations for help. Of course, my proposal was strongly supported by my wife, she said that it’s a good thing for our Guangdong fellows, and that she will support me 100%.

As I was the President of the Zhonghua Chinese Society, I have good experience of acting in such a role; in addition, I consulted several experienced well-known people such as Professor Kuanmeng Goh, General Secretary of the NZ Chinese Association Canterbury Branch, Chinese Community leader Mr. Tony Wong and Dr. Jiashun Yu several times. I had confidence in writing the regulation draft. The New Zealand Guangdong Association (Auckland), New Zealand Huibei Association and Fujian Association also supported me by sending their “regulations” for my reference. After comprehensive consideration, the first draft of the regulation for our Christchurch Guangdong Association was completed in one week's time.

The regulation is the soul of an association, and is also the rules and law of this association. The Christchurch Guangdong  Association is not an organization of my own, it is an organization that belongs to all local Cantonese and other Chinese. In order to have a good preparation for this association and to better meet  the targets and benefits of local Chinese, I have to form a Preparatory Committee, to discuss and revise the regulation, and then to run the proposed association well in the future. 

It is true that one planting will lead to one harvest. When I revealed a little about my proposal, no one was against it. It is supported not only by all local Cantonese, but also by friends from other provinces of China, and they said the Guangdong Association should have been established much earlier. In the following week, six well known local Cantonese expressed that they were happy to join the preparatory committee. It was more encouraging that all their family members supported this move. The preparatory committee consisted of seven people: myself, Guo Guanhua, Du Jianhua, Li Jue, Ouyang Yu, Tan Mingxun and Brian Kwok. Among them, some are people with association experience and some are without. However, we have common goals - to unite the Cantonese, to promote the social reputation of the Cantonese, to love our hometown, to love our motherland, to operate our Guangdong Association well and to contribute to New Zealand, the country we are living in. Those who never joined any association said that they did not wish to join such an organization before, and this time, because of my proposal, it is all right to contribute to our own Guangdong association. As said by Du Jianhua, the person who is most enthusiastic about community activities, he is the secretary of the existing Chinese Association, and the secretary of the Chinese Lion’s Association, but he felt that a Guangdong Association can better unite the Cantonese, better unite friends from other provinces of China, and build bridges between the “old” overseas Chinese and “new” overseas Chinese, the new Guangdong Association will be more active and will be of more meaning.

After a seven week period, with the effort of the preparatory committee through several meetings, the association‘s regulation is unanimously approved after the ninth draft. The name of the association changed from the “New Zealand South Island Guangdong Association” to the final name of the “Christchurch Guangdong Association”. During this period,  Professor Kuanmeng Goh, Mr. Steven Wong, Dr. Jiashun Yu provided experience guidance, and Dr. Jian Yang of Political Studies at Auckland University also made some good suggestions.

For the legitimacy and rationality of the regulation, I consulted Ms. Jenny Marr, a community coordinator at the Christchurch City Council, and lawyers at the Community Law Centre and obtained warm support from them. On behalf of all counselors and members of our association, I hereby express our sincere thanks to all above mentioned friends who took care of, supported and helped the preparation and establishment of our association.  

The idea of establishing the Christchurch Guangdong Association seemed ready to come out at one’s call.  As said by Lin Biying, the wife of counselor Zheng Jinzhong, her ancestor Xu Zhaokai was the first Chinese government official to have visited New Zealand over 100 years ago, so she felts pound to be the offspring of the Cantonese, and will fully support the Guangdong Association in the future. Mr. Ma Guochao said he never joined any activities organized by Chinese associations before, but came along with his wife to assist the establishment of the Guangdong Association by my warm invitation, and actively participated on the front line. Li Jinchan, a overseas Chinese who has been here tens of years, expressed that she joined the association council because she wished to promote Guangdong Opera culture and lay her expectations of that on the Guangdong Association…… Thus, more and more people have joined our council team of the association.

The16th of August is an important date for our Christchurch Guangdong Association to remember, as on that day all councilors, some with their family members, gathered at the venue of the Chinese Association, and unanimously passed the regulations of the association. It indicated the formal establishment of the Christchurch Guangdong Association. It was also the birthday of councilors Zheng Jinzhong; the couple cancelled their birthday party and chose to participate in this important meeting.

After the establishment of the first Association Council, all councilors started to prepare the celebration banquet. With the effort and coordination of all councilors, the Christchurch Guangdong Association was formally established at the Riccarton Buffet Restaurant on the 8th of September. There were more than 200 participants to witness this event, including  the Embassy Councilor of the People’s Republic of China, Duty Ambassador Mr. Zhao Yanbo,  Minister of Commerce and Minister of Women Hon. Lianne Dalziel,  Minister of Statistics Hon. Clayton Cosgrove, Chinese MP Pansy Wong, well known Chinese community leader Steven Wong, Tony Wong, Jiashun Yu and representatives of other Christchurch Chinese associations. Senior Chinese (97 years old)  Mr. Percychew Lee and the first Chinese GP in Christchurch Dr. Alan Yee were also present to witness the historical movement.

The establishment of the Christchurch Guangdong Association is the outcome of the right opportunity of timeliness, location and people. One generation plants the trees under whose shade another generation rests. Now we have enjoyed the fruits our ancestors have given to us, and we now plant a new tree. It needs all of us to water, fertilize, take care of and support the plant and as we do so, our future generations will be able to receive a greater harvest. 

Christchurch Guangdong Association Inc.

The Christchurch Guangdong Association Inc. was founded on 8th September 2007.

Our objectives are to maintain and promote Cantonese (Guangdong) culture and traditions in New Zealand, to contribute to the formation and success of a multi-cultural environment in New Zealand, to provide opportunities for communication, interaction, recreation and mutual support amongst all Cantonese (Guangdong) Chinese in New Zealand, to help Cantonese (Guangdong)immigrants adapt to New Zealand and provide a support base for newly arrivedCantonese (Guangdong) Chinese immigrants and visitors to New Zealand, to 

organize and participate in social activities beneficial to New Zealand society and to contribute to the economic and social development of New Zealand, to facilitate 

interaction and cooperation between Chinese communities and other ethnic communities in New Zealand.We are a non-political, non-religious and non-profit charitable organization.

We welcome all Cantonese and non Cantonese to join us.



我们的宗旨是:为了弘扬和保持优良的广东文化和传统风俗, 团结粤籍乡亲,促进新西兰多元文化的形成与完善, 帮助广东华裔移民融入主流社会, 为在新西兰的广东华裔人士提供一个相互学习、交流、娱乐和互助的环境, 为新移民和来访者提供帮助,也让本地人更多地了解中国,了解广东,了解家乡的风土人情,



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