专栏名称:Devin's Chat
作者: Devin 戴非凡
简介: 1989年出生于中国湖北,独立艺术家、企业家、文艺青年。自幼酷爱文化事业,2013年弃政从艺,在江苏宜兴从事紫砂艺术设计与创作,师从中国工艺美术大师葛军先生。新浪微博头条签约作家,《俯仰风雅》副主编,中国与全球化智库(CCG)常务理事;长三角青年海归总商会执行会长;欧美同学会·广西归国留学人员商业界人士联合会会员;江苏戴氏宗会副会长;江苏戴氏总商会副会长;湖北省浙江大学校友会理事;宜兴市丁蜀镇紫砂电子商务行业协会理事,丁山湖北同乡互助会荣誉会长等。欢迎添加微信:hutuxian-A;微信公众号:我爱紫砂官网;天维论坛ID:DevinDai

A Wonderful Couple’s Relationship

发布时间:2018-11-08 09:29:14

I am so admirable about the great relationship between my NZ mother and father.


It’s incredible that they’ve never had any arguments even though a loud voice in their life for more than ten years. Today, I have an interview in a cafe, which has found the secret of a good relationship.

There are two main reasons which enable them to win a nice family environment.

The significant one is that women are willing to take the responsibilities of managing housework. She loves to do housework, such as cooking, cleaning and washing, you name it.

At home, she arranges everything, even painting the house which is the husband’s responsibility. Meanwhile, the man always says: “good idea, do it!”, without rejecting. Therefore, both of them enjoy a respectful relationship.

However, there are plenty of arguments in other couples. Some females are not a huge fan of housework, even though they are able to do them.

Troubles are coming when there are too many situations like no dinners, as well as the dirty house after husband’s daily work.

The husbands likely feel not happy with some arguments, then he wants to reduce stress and goes to a bar to drink, spending 100 dollars, which may make wife angry, she probably has arguments about the hundred spending too much money one night. Arguments are becoming critical in their life, which will happen again and again. Apart from this, another important one is that both of them have flexible consumers.

They have mixed the salary, each one has the pocket money, they never care about the way of how the money has been spent by each other. “You love a bar, you can enjoy it by using your pocket money. I like coffee, I can drink anytime depending on my motivation by using my pocket money”. However, some couples mixing they wages don't have pocket money which has been controlled by someone, the other without money under hard work probably will be unhappy, as a result, the problems likely come soon. 

Overall, it's quite hard to get along well with the lover for a whole life. While every family has a wide diversity of methods, only one purpose is to create a happy family.  Insofar as I see, everyone is a primary school student in the marriage. We’ve been learning the lessons about getting along with each other throughout our entire lives.

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