作者: Daisy Ding
简介: Daisy Ding, 19岁高中毕业来到新西兰留学,一晃就是18年。因人生第一份工作从事酒店管理行业,大学毅然而然的选择就读酒店管理专业。在新西兰从事酒店管理12年,对这个行业持有无限的情感和Passion. 并将其视为终身的职业。希望把这些年的经历和感想分享给有需要的朋友。愿希望学习酒店管理的年轻人少走弯路,正在从事酒店管理的朋友们继续坚持梦想,把新西兰的酒店管理行业做到更好。请跟随我的脚步,了解更多新西兰酒店管理那些事儿。添加微信daisy9898加入新西兰酒店管理群,更多内容分享关注微信公众号daisydingnz


发布时间:2021-05-13 10:58:53


Most of the people who used to work with me in the company are all either left the company or actually major of them even no longer working in the hospitality industry anymore. Some of my friends often ask me why I still stay in the hospitality industry, considering it is low pay job, long working hours, no weekends or holidays off, working late shifts and many other challenges you can think off.

It’s because I have passion about what I do, it is because of the people I work with. I enjoy the most is working together with a group ordinary people to achieve extraordinary goals.

I am not sure what 2020 means to you, for me it was the most difficult year in my life so far. Hospitality industry had the most impacts because of COVID 19. I have seen so many people lost or changed jobs, staff moved back to their home countries, people were stressed about their day to day life, lots people chosen to move outside of hospitality industry. It was very difficult to keep positive thinking in 2020.

However, everyday when I come to work, I see the team I work with always have the smile on their face, they provide excellent customer service to our guests, they are flexible and always there for the business whenever the business needs them, they try their best to support me solve all the issues, as a manager I have no reasons not to be strong to lead the team through all the challenges we face.

So, There was actually positive part of the Covid 19 is to build people’s resilience skills and make strong people even stronger.

Much appreciated every signal person I worked with in the company and inspired me to deal with all the challenges over the last year .

2021 is a year with lots of hopes, hope the vaccine would work for the virus, hope our life would be back to normal soon, hope hospitality and tourism industry will start a new page, and hope we are able to become a better version of ourselves.

There was something I learnt from 2020 as a leader and I would also like to share this with you today. “part of the great thing about being in a leadership role is when people rely on you and you can actually make a difference.”


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