作者: Cathay龍婆
简介: 一个在加拿大奋斗了8年,在美国闲置了8年,现定居新西兰追求自我的中国女人。 不争论,不辩解,不过分坚持。只相信:人必须按自己想要的方式活着,只因那是你自己的人生。


发布时间:2018-07-16 10:33:05



“Listen, girl, I'm 87, and you need to be patient with me.”


“No worries, Sir, I'm listening. I have nothing but patience.”



“What can I do for you today, Sir?”


“Last week, I brought your company's fish coupon on the discount website. But I don't know how to get my fish. I hope it's not too late. You know I am 87 already. I'm not very good with computer. ”



“Sir, you shold be proud of yourself. I even don't know how to grab a coupon online. haha~No worries,  I'll help you to redeem your coupon.”


“Thank you, girl, My name is R, my address is ... my coupon number is ...”



“ All done。Sir, your fish will be delivered to your address tomorrow. You can have it for dinner. ”


“ Darling girl, you make me want to invite you for dinner and buy more fish from you. ”


“ Why not? Anytime you want to eat seafood you can ring me. I will help you to place order. My name is Cat。”


“ I definitely will. Thanks for your help, darling girl.”


“ You always welcome, Sir. ”


“ Goodbye darling girl. ”


“ Goodbye Sir.  Keep warm. ”


“ Thanks. I will. ”




“ Hi Cat, it's R. Do you remember me? I would like order some shrimp today. ”


“ Hi R,how are you? What kind of shrimp are you looking for? ”


“ My wife is in hospital. I like eat shrimp, but I don't know how to cook shrimp. Do you have any already cooked and ready-to-eat shrimp? I mean, not head, not shell. ”


“ I am so sorry to hear your wife is in hospital. Are you OK?”


“ I am OK. But she probably won't be able to come home again. ”


“ I am so sorry. I hope everything gets better. Everyday is a new day. ”


“ Thanks darling girl, you have a warm heart. ”



“ Here you go, I found out the shirmp you might like. ”

(在这里, 我找到你喜欢吃的虾了。)

“ Thanks Cat ! Could you please delivery it tomorrow?I live in a retirement villa in Auckland. ”


“ No worries, I will help you to track your parcel tomorrow. ”


“ Thanks my darling!”


“ You take a good care of yourself. OK? ”


“ Thanks, I will. ”


“ Bye R!”


“ Bye Cat!”




“ Hi Cat, it's R.  Do you know what's the difference between Shrimp and Prawns? ”

(你好Cat, 我是R。请问Shrimp虾和Prawns虾有什么区别?”

“ Hi R, There is a difference in their shape. For example, Prawns have claws on three of their five pairs of legs, shrimp have claws on two of their five pairs of legs. People think prawns are bigger than shrimp and taste better. I think it really depends on personal favorie. ”

(你好R, 它们的形状有所不同。例如, Prawns虾的五对腿中有三对爪,而Shrimp虾只有两对爪。人们认为Prawns虾比Shrimp虾大,并且味道更好。我认为这都取决于个人喜好罢了。)

“ Today I don't want shrimp,  I would like to try prawns. cooked prawns, not head, not shell, please.”


“ No worries, let me find it for you. How's everything going? ”

(没问题,R, 等我将你要的虾找给你。你最近一切都好吗?)

“ No so good.  I fell down on the street in downtown Auckland and broken one arm. I am going to have a doctor appointment on Wednesday. Then I will know what I need to be done. ”


“ Hope the doctor will make you feel better on Wednesday. At meantime you need to take a good care of yourself. All right? ”


“ All right. I will. Thanks Cat. ”


“ All done!You will have your Cooked-Prawns for dinner tomorrow. No head, no shell, ready-to-eat. It's just the way you like.   ”


“ Thanks Cat ! Bye Cat ! ”


“ You're welcome R !Take care of yourself, and say hi to your wife for me ”


“ I will. Thanks darling girl. ”



“ Hi Cat, it's R again.”


“ Hi R, how are you? Have you received your prawns yet? ”


“ Yes, I did. But they are raw, no the cooked one I want. I don't know how to cook. ”


“ Let me check your order. I remember I did order 1 kilo of Cooked-Prawns for you. ”


“ Yes, I have checked the order. nothing wrong, but I received raw prawns. Do you know how to cook? ”


“ O, NO! Our factory must have sent wrong product to you. I'm so sorry. For cooking prawns, you only need to boil a pot of water.  When the water is boiling, add the prawns into it. When the prawn turn red, it would be ready to eat. ”


“ I have never cooked prawns before. My wife used to cook for me. But she is in hosipital now.......”


“ No worries R, I will resend the cooked-prawns for you today. ”


“ Thanks Cat!But what should I do with these raw prawns? ”



“ Hi R,my manager said you also can keep the raw prawns. ”


“ Thank your company 。But I don't know how to cook. ”


“No worries,  I can teach you. ”


“Thanks, but I don't want to start a fire.  I will bring it to the Villa Kitchen.  Let them to cook and share with others. I will tell them, the prawns are your company's donation. ”

(谢谢, 但我可不想因此而引起火灾哦。这样吧,我带去退休屋邨的厨房,让他们煮虾并分享给其他老人。我将告诉他们,这是你们公司赞助的。)

“Thanks R!What a great idea!”



“Good Morning R!Have you received the cooked prawns yet?”

(早上好R ! 熟虾收到了吗?)

“Yes, I did. Also, the Villa people thanks your company's prawns they had last night. It's yummy.”


“Wow~wonderful!Hope you enjoy your cooked-prawns too.”


“Thanks! I will.”


“I remember you have a doctor appointment today. Hope everything goes well.”


“Thanks darling girl. I am going to see my doctor now.”


“The weather is cold, please takecare yourself!”


“Thanks darling!”























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