Kaipara Coast Sculpture Garden 2018 Exhibition 雕塑花园展

12月2日 - 2018年10月31日


Kaipara Coast Sculpture Gardens, 1481 Kaipara Coast Highway, SH 16, Auckland


成人$12.50, 儿童 (5 to 13) $6, under 5s free




Kaipara Coast Sculpture Garden 2018 Exhibition



本周六下午,Kaipara Coast 雕塑花园展开幕式即将举行,包括美食、美酒和娱乐活动。需提前预约参与。一年一度的Kaipara Coast 雕塑花园展将展出超过40件由新西兰和世界各国艺术家打造的雕塑作品。


Saturday 2 December 2017, 3.00pm - Wednesday 31 October 2018, 5.00pm

Opening event: Sat 2 Dec, 3pm-5pm

Exhibition: 3 Dec 2017 - 31 Oct 2018, open 7 days, 9am-5pm (closed Christmas Day & Anzac morning)


Opening event: Adults $30, children (4 to 13) $15, under 5s free (includes refreshments & entertainment)

Exhibition: Adults $12.50, children (5 to 13) $6, under 5s free

This year is the 10th anniversary of Kaipara Coast Sculpture Garden exhibiting sculpture from contemporary New Zealand and overseas sculptors and the upcoming exhibition will be a milestone one.

This unique Sculpture Trail set in a tranquil, rural garden oasis has now been open for 10 years, exhibiting ten completely different sculpture shows, each with more than 40 sculptures, annually over that time.

As a celebration of 10 years of curating this event, curator Sally Lush is selecting 1 work from each year that has resonated particularly with her and asked the artist to recreate that work or create another work that evokes a similar feeling, creating a mini show of “Curators Picks”.

Sally Lush says “It has been amazing to have the support of so many artists over the ten years and to be able to support, nurture and encourage artists to explore their creative endeavours free from commercial constraints. Artists have continually challenged, developed and expanded their art practices and it has been rewarding to see this development.”


Artists featured in the “Curators Picks” will be Peter Lange (2009), Trish Clarke (2010), Gaye Jurisich (2011), Jin Ling (2012), Ramon Robertson (2013), Faith Tavernor (2014), Audrey Boyle (2015), Janette Cervin (2016) and Jeff Thomson for (2017).

The works selected for the main EXHIBITION 2018 reflect and explore themes of natural beauty, flora and fauna, environmental threats, colonisation and socio-political issues relating to the Kaipara area.

EXHIBITION 2018 is on display until November 2018 ensuring visitors have a fresh experience of the artworks as the seasons change.



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