Krav Maga Self Defence 防身术培训
时间:7月17日--7月31日 6:30 pm -- 9:00 pm (详情请看联系方式里的网址) 地点:Krav Fighter Gym, 89 Grafton Road, Basement Level (Accessed via Moehau Rd), Grafton, Auckland 费用:免费 关键词:防身术培训 主办方:Krav Fighter



Have you ever wondered what Krav Maga Self Defence system is about, but haven't had an opportunity to try a Reality-based, Raw and Effective Self Defence training that challenges you both physically and mentally?

Have you ever tried a "Krav Maga" or "Self Defence" class elsewhere, but were not convinced that training you received would increase your chances of survival in case of a violent attack?

Then, don't wait any further and Book a Free Trial Krav Maga class with Krav Fighter to experience a Realistic Krav Maga Self Defence training like no other.

If Auckland, New Zealand is your permanent place of residence, and you're seriously interested in authentic and realistic Krav Maga & Self Defence training, please visit our website to register for your free trial class.

Krav Maga is used in Israeli military and security forces, special and police forces around the world, as well as in civilian protection.Originally developed for Israeli Defence and Security Forces (IDF, Shin Bet and Mossad), Krav Maga became popular in the civilian self-defence and protection because its easy-to-learn techniques that have been battle-tested in real, life threatening confrontations focus on real-world situations and are extremely efficient.

Everything in Krav Maga is just as applicable to the civilian world as it is to the military or law enforcement world because it is designed to be practical and intuitive for people of any age, shape, or size with techniques building upon human natural instincts to build skills much quicker than it would be possible by training in a traditional martial art or combat sport.

Additionally, most violent attacks in civilian world catch their victims off guard so brutal counter-attacks Krav Maga is known by are essential in minimising the damage and increasing the chance of survival.

While Krav Maga techniques originate from various martial arts, combat sports, and fighting experience in the field, it is being trained quite differently from martial arts or combat sports.

In addition to the technical side, the emphasis of authentic Krav Maga training is on mental toughness, emotional stability, determination to prevail, ability to turn on physical agression when required to survive and save your or someone else's life.

Your first class with Krav Fighter is free to for you to experience Krav Maga, our way of training and to get to know the students and instructors of our wonderful team. We will meet you after the class to answer any questions you may have and to review all of the membership options we offer for training.

Free after hours parking is available at the bottom-most level of the parking structure.

About Krav Fighter: 
Krav Fighter is Auckland based full-time combative self defence training centre, that provides specialised Krav Maga training to ordinary people. Training with us builds mental and physical toughness, confidence and fitness that empower you in all areas of life.

For more information on classes, memberships and on Krav Maga in general, visit our website and Facebook page, and get in touch or call our office phone number 022 KRAV FIT.

Fight smart, fight hard, fight to survive!


Mobile No. 022 KRAV FIT

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