Raw Meat Monday 喜剧之夜
时间:7月30日 8:00 pm -- 9:30 pm 地点:The Fringe Bar, 26 Allen Street, Wellington 费用:购票 关键词:喜剧 主办方:Humorous Arts Trust



The capital's longest running open mic comedy night.

Comedy gold and comedy coal, each night is a guaranteed gamble. If you’re trying comedy for the first time, Raw Meat is the best place to start.

MCs this month: 
2nd - Jonny Potts 
9th - Kris Beattie 
16th - Greg Ellis 
23rd - Sera Devcich 
30th - Uther Dean

Interested in performing? Email the Humorous Arts Trust at contact@humorous.co.nz to book a spot.

Ticket Information:

  • General Admission: $8.00

  • Door Sales: $10.00


0800 BUY TIX (289 849)

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