- NZ Body Art Showcase 2018
NZ Body Art Showcase returns for 2018 to continue its mission of showcasing some of the greatest talent in SPFX makeup and body artistry from New Zealand and around the globe. Now celebrating a decade in the business, the annual spectacle will take place this year at Rangatira, Q Theatre on Saturday 1 September. The central theme for this year’s showcase is ‘THE WATER ELEMENT’ which will be explored across six main categories: Water [open/non-competitive category], Pollution, Floating, Submerged [UV only], Destroyer and Resource. It will be up to this year’s contestants to explore this almighty element through the magic of SPFX and body art creations. The 2018 judging panel features WETA Group’s Sir Richard Taylor KNZM, Jonathan Smith MNZM, Kelly Ren and Hannah Tasker-Poland, who will cast their eyes over this colourful extravaganza.
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