Nanogirl LIVE! - Bring on the Noise
时间:Saturday November 23, 3-4pm and 5-6pm (2 shows) 地点:ASB Theatre, Aotea Centre 费用:$28-$40 (Booking fees apply) 关键词:表演 主办方:Nanogirl Labs



Nanogirl Labs倾情上演 Nanogirl live!-“Bring on the Noise!”( “躁”响音乐)-11月,燃爆新西兰。

Nanogirl,Boris(助理)和CLAIR (智能团)回归并进行全新的动作指导,表演专业定让您耳目一新。互动表演中,充满创意、音乐与碰撞。Nanogirl Live专业炫酷,创造一切可能,让表演贴近生活,呈现在您眼前。此外,此次演出提供大量志愿者机会,并且,将有机会和Nanogirl同台表演!

全新秀由国际巡回演出Nanogirl Live团队制作,Dr. Michelle Dickinson主演。门票三度售罄,此次充满创意、激情与碰撞的大型表演秀期待您全家的观享!

Nanogirl Labs is proud to present Nanogirl Live! “Bring on the Noise!” – a Live Science Spectacular, touring NZ in November. Nanogirl, Boris (her trusty lab assistant), and CLAIR (Constantly Learning Artificial Intelligence Repository) are back for a brand new action-packed adventure, bringing you science and engineering as you have never seen them before. In this interactive show filled with experiments, explosions and music – Nanogirl Live! brings science and engineering to life in the coolest ways possible, right before your eyes. There are lots of opportunities to volunteer and do science on stage with Nanogirl too! After three sellout tours, this brand new show by the internationally touring Nanogirl Live! team, and starring Dr. Michelle Dickinson features all-new experiments, and all-new explosions - with plenty of extraordinary musical sounds to be enjoyed by the whole family.


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