- Takapuna免费华语堆肥讲座
免费华语堆肥讲座由奥克兰市政厅赞助,目的在帮助大家减少垃圾, 变废为宝。
免费讲座以华语讲授,参加者还有机会以特价购买堆肥桶、蚯蚓箱或“保家舒”堆肥系统。如果你想购买,请带上现金。 价格从$ 28到$ 72不等。名额有限,请从速报名。
时间:上午10am to 12 pm
地点: 7 The Strand, Takapuna, Takapuna War Memorial Hall
Takapuna Free Mandarin composting Talk
Free Mandarin Composting Talk is sponsored by Auckland Council, aiming to help us to minimize our Rubbish. Changing waste into valuables.
Composting talk will talk about garden composting, worm farming and Bokashi composting. The talk teaches us how to turn our organic garden waste and kitchen food waste into valuable compost.
This free talk will be delivered in Mandarin. Participants will be able to buy special price garden compost bin, worm farm or Bokashi bucket. Please bring cash if you want to buy. Price is from $28 to $72. Seats are limited. Don't miss out.
Activity code : 180324
Date : 24th March.,2018 (Saturday)
Time : 10am to 12 noon
Admission : free
Venue : : 7 The Strand, Takapuna, Takapuna War Memorial Hall, please ref to map underneath.
Registration : Please leave your name, contact number, number of participants & activity code, on our voice mail phone : 3030633.
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