- 华语讲座:”控制害兽”
老鼠, 果子狸等”害兽”,在你的花园, 房子里造成问题吗?来学习如何对付他们!!
巴士座位有限, 必须打电话報名。
“西北野生物种连系”(Northwest Wildlink)希望让华人知道为什么, 及如何消灭”害兽”。 “西北野生物种连系” 会补贴交通費,让大家参与在Whenuapai 的”控制害兽”讲座,了解对付害兽的各种工具。我们还有机会访问先驱岛。 参加者将有机会购买特价的放老鼠饵的胶箱, 以便在家里应付老鼠问题, 那些想要购买的,请带约22元的现金。
“西北野生物种连系” 是北岸的一个项目,北岸居民, 特別 是Albany 居民, 优先考虑。
下午1:30pm在Constellation Drive和Parkway Drive的交界處的The Dark Horse 餐廳門外(在constellation巴士站附近)。 許多巴士都去Constellation巴士站, 巴士站旁有很多免費停車位.
收費:五元 (包括小吃, 大小同价)。
1. 數日內將有工作人員致電給你,通知你是否仍有額位。
2. 若收不到電話確認有額位,請不要付款。
3. 如確認有額位,請在 7天內照以下方法付款:
4. 到ASB 銀行,把團費送入戶口:
5. 等候我們的來電確認收到款項及已留位。
6. 屆時請提早15分鐘到集合地點等候上車。
7. 出發當天如有問題,可致電:0274-229922。
8. 其他問題,請提早三、四天致電3030633留言查詢。
9. 若留言報名或存款後超過五天仍未收到任何電話,請致電3030633再留言。
10. 取消留位,必須在起程七天前通知,並盡量找尋替代人,否則基金會不保證退還全部款項。
Have you got any problem in your house and garden with animal pests like rats, possums ? Come and learn how to deal with them.
Call to register is essential because of limited seats on bus
Northwest Wildlink (NWWL) wants to let the Chinese know why and how we can help to eradicate the animal pest. NWWL will subsidize transportation to take us for an animal pest control talk at Whenuapai. We also have chance to see Herald Island. We will also learn about the many tools we use to get rid of the animal pests. Participants will have the chance to buy discounted rats bait station to get rid of the rats at home. Those who want to buy, please bring around $22 cash.
NWWL is a project in North Shore, North Shore residents has the priority.
Activity code : 180325
Date: 25th March (Sunday)
Departure time & place :
1:30pm Outside the entrance of “ The Dark Horse” Restaurant at the junction of Constellation Drive and Parkway Drive (next to the Constellation Bus Stop). Many buses go to that Constellation Bus station and Plenty of free parking next to the bus station for park & ride
**please be there 15 minutes before departure.
Returning to pick up point at around 6pm 。
Charge:$5/pp (same price for adult and children) . snack is provided.
What to bring : wear comfortable sport shoes, sun glasses, hat or rainy gear according to the weather.
NWWL is an Upper Harbour area project. North Shore residents, especially Upper Harbour residents has priority.
Registration : Please leave your name, contact number, how many people want to attend & activity code on our voice mail phone : 3030633.
After you leave your name & contact in our phone :
1. Someone from CCET will call to confirm vacancy available.
2. Do not pay if you have not got our call to confirm there is vacancy.
3. If there’s vacancy, then please pay as shown below.
4. Go to ASB Bank to bank in your tour cost
a) Account name : CCET
b) Account number : 12-3188-0151516-00
c) Remember to request the bank to make sure your phone number to display on the recipient’s bank statement so that we can identify it’s your money.
d) Keep the receipt
5. Wait for our call to confirm receipt of your money & your seats.
6. On the day, please be at the departure point 15 minutes earlier.
7. If you have problem on the day of departure, call : 0274-229922
8. All other queries, please call 3030633 & leave a message. Please allow 3 to 4 days for us to respond to your enquiry.
9. If you have called to register or paid in the money, you still cannot get our call after 5 days, please call 3030633 & leave a message again.
10. Cancellation must be made 7 days before departure and you must try your best to find a person to take your place, otherwise there is no guarantee of a full refund.
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