- 免费华语南极讲座
去年十二月, “华人环保教育信托基金”主席李衍玲女士在南极游轮上工作了一个月, 带回很多关于南极的美丽照片和知识, 在Epsom华人协会(ECA)的邀请下,她将于5月31日在Epsom讲一个南极讲座, Epsom华人协会愿意 把讲座开放给非会员参加。 有兴趣听这讲座的,请致电报名。 座位有限, 请尽早。
时间:上午10点15分 至11点45分 。
地址: Epsom, Inverary Avenue, 4 号, Epsom浸信会教堂。
Free Mandarin Antarctica Talk in Epsom
Last December, Estella Lee, Chair of Chinese Conservation Education Trust has worked in an Antarctic Cruise as an interpreter for one month. She brought back a lot of beautiful photos and knowledge about Antarctica. Under the request of Epsom Chinese Association (ECA), she is going to give a talk about Antarctica on 31st May in Epsom. ECA is kind enough to open the talk to non ECA members. Please call to register if you are interested. Seats are limited. Please register early.
Activity code : 180531
Date : 31st May,2018 (Thursday)
Time : 10:15am to 11:45am
Admission : free
Venue : 4, Inverary Avenue, Epsom Baptist Church.
Registration : Please leave your name, contact number, number of participants & activity code, on our voice mail phone : 3030633.
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