- 环保俱乐部 Eco Club
什么是环保? 可能许多人仍不太清楚。
一位华人要求李衍玲会长讲一课,以便她能够学习。 环保涵盖的并不是讲一课那么简单, 它涉及我们日常生活中的每一片段。
为“華人環保教育信託基金”工作多年后,会长李衍玲知道了一丁点。 她非常愿意与华人分享她的知识。 明白华人中很多有能之士, 对环保知道得更多更清楚。 “華人環保教育信託基金”正在为华人建立一个分享,交流知识和相互学习的”环保俱乐部”。
俱乐部所有会将在每个月的第2个星期四举行。 第一次所有会将于8月9日(星期四)上午10:30至下午12:30在Hub Zero(爱尔兰路4号,Panmure)举行。
没有参加费,也不需要注册, 只要你有兴趣和时间, 您可以随意来去,即使是半小时;也可以带上您的午餐在会后午餐和聊天。
*Panmure, Ireland Road, 4号。在 Panmure大圆环, “DNA Motors” 的后面, 铁闸门外有“Hub Zero”标志。
**车场内没有停车位, 汽车请停在靠近的小街。
ECO Club
Environmental protection and Conservation are urgent needs for mankind now.
What is Environmental protection and Conservation ? Many people may not be able to tell.
A Chinese asked Estella to give a lesson so that she could learn. It is not so simple that a few lessons can cover. It concerns everything in our daily lives.
Estella knows a little after all these years working for CCET. She would like to share her little knowledge with the Chinese. Understand that there are Chinese out there knows more and better. CCET is now creating a club for Chinese to share their knowledge and learn from each other.
Club meeting will be on the 2nd Thursday of every month. This first meeting will be on 9th August from 10:30am to 12:30pm at Hub Zero (4, Ireland Road, Panmure).
There is no joining fee, no need to register, just come if you have the interest and time. You can come and go as you wish, even for just half an hour or bring along your lunch and chat after the meeting.
For this first time, Estella will chat about :
1. What is Environmental protection and Conservation ?
2. She will also talk about a useful weed (or herd) : comfrey.
You are welcome to talk about what you know too.
Mandarin speakers and Cantonese speakers are all welcome.
**4, Ireland Road, Panmure, It is at the BIG Panmure round about behind “DNA Motors”. There is a “Hub Zero” sign outside the gate.
**There is no parking inside the car yard. Please park at the side street.
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