作者: Jessica 潘
简介: 未雨绸缪,以您为先。当我们采取预防措施保护我们自己和我们的财产安全时,往往可以防止犯罪。 通过此专栏,我希望与您合作,保持您,您的环境和您的财产安全。Crime can often be prevented when we take precautions to keep ourselves and our property safe. Through this column, I hope to work collaboratively with you to keep you, your environment and your property safe. 我的电话:+64 9 302 6421 我的手机号:0211920935 我的邮箱:jessica.phuang@police.govt.nz


发布时间:2022-05-06 09:31:50


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登上警察的网站 www.police.govt.nz  请看下图,在顶部看到stolen/wanted 的选择,按选stolen vehicles (被偷车辆) 跟着箭头指示便找出该车是否被偷。你亦可打电话给警察,若果不是一辆偷车就可能是某些住在你家附近的人把车停在你门外。如果是弃置车辆,请通知奥克兰交通部,他们需要根据一些程序才能合法移开或丢掉该汽车。请登入以下网站找出更多资料 at.govt.nz


In the last couple of weeks, I have three people called me about cars being parked outside their house for a long period of time.  I would like to thank the people who called.  Here is one way that you can check if the car was stolen or not.  

Visit the police website on www.police.govt.nz .  Please see diagram below.  At the top you can see Stolen/Wanted and you can click on Stolen Vehicles.  If you complete the arrows as per picture, you will find out if the car has been stolen.  You can ring your police station to let them know either way, even if it’s not a stolen car.  The person could be someone staying in your street but has parked the car right in front of your house.  

If it is an abandoned car, you can call Auckland Transport to inform them.  There are procedures that they have to follow before they can lawfully remove or dispose a vehicle.  Visit their website to find out more. 


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