- 作者:
Zoe 黄
- 简介:
大家好我是Zoe黄!来自广西的妹纸(不,我并不是少数民族哟)。来奥克兰将近十年。2017年喜欢上了旅行以及制作视频短片,想把我的旅行经历分享给他大家。也希望你可以把你的旅行经历与我分享!天维论坛ID:hzy113;欢迎关注我的Youyube频道Zoe Huang以及我的IG:Zoe_abs_goal!
- 十二国记丨亚洲站 (1) 泰国看寺庙去!
- 环球之旅亚洲站 - 泰国第1集 - 看寺庙去!
- 十二国记丨新西兰华人女生的环球之旅
- 从今年的8月5号开始出发,到9月7号回到奥克兰。经过了亚洲、欧洲、北美洲和南美洲。正好环绕地球一圈。来看看我在这一个多月里都经历了一些什么吧?!视频在陆续制作中,目测每个星
- 麻雀虽小五脏俱全丨东京胶囊旅馆初体验!
- As you may know I have recently been to Tokyo and I spent 3 nights in a capsule hotel.In this video I am going to show you my very first experience with the cap
- Auckland - Manila丨三分钟带你了解菲律宾航空
- Hello everyone, long time no see!Recently I went to the Philippines and I took Philippine Airline directly flight from Auckland to Manila. So today let's have a
- 十二国记丨亚洲站 (2) 泰国考山路以及Asiatique夜市
- 环球之旅亚洲站 - 泰国第2集 - 考山路以及Asiatique夜市
- 十二国记丨欧洲站 (8) 罗马 梵蒂冈一起游!
- After visiting Florence, we are heading to Rome, the capital city of Italy!Inside Rome, there is a smallest country in the world - Vantican City!! Very interest
- 体验丨香港航空 A330 | 奥克兰 - 东京 Review + VIP休息室
- First time taking Hong Kong airlines (4 star airlines) , I have got their extra leg room for the long haul flight and I am honored to experience their VIP loung
- 十二国记丨欧洲站 (7) 佛罗伦萨20岁的猫?
- After Switzerland, we are heading to Italy! The first stop is Florence!Before arriving Florence, we had a quick stop in Pisa!
- 十二国记丨欧洲站 (6) 意想不到的卢塞恩半日游
- A short video about my impromptu trip to Lucerne!It was my first time taking intercity trains in Europe!
- 十二国记丨欧洲站 (5) 瑞士的物价到底有多贵?
- Round the World trip the 4th stop - Switzerland!Arriving in Engelburg, had a day trip to Mt Titlis, where got snow all year around.Everybody says Switzerland is
- 十二国记丨欧洲站 (4) 巴黎安全吗?
- It is my full day in Paris.I am visiting each famous lanmarks by my favourite city hop on hop off bus!
- 十二国记丨欧洲站 (3) 爱上巴黎了!
- We are going across to France from the port of Dover (The UK). I am offically in European Union! The first stop is Paris!
- 十二国记丨欧洲站 (2) 随上随下巴士游伦敦
- Second day in London,I decided to do my favourite Hop on Hop off bus! I chose The Original Tours because it is 5 pounds cheaper than The Big Bus!
- 十二国记丨欧洲站 (1) 我在伦敦接到了4个任务
- Hi guys! Welcome to another episode of my round the world trip! Today we arrived in London!
- 体验报告 丨泰国航空波音787-9奥克兰 - 曼谷
- First time taking Thai Airways, one of the top 10 airlines in the world.Let's experience the award winning service!
- 全球Top 10丨汉莎航空 A340-300测评,可带宠物哦!
- First time taking one of the top 10 airlines in the world - Lufthansa.It was also my first time flying with a pet in the cabin!!
- 十二国记丨亚洲站 (3) 我在泰国做了一件糗事
- I was such a bad traveler. Don't be like me guys.
- 2018 Vietnam trip with Contiki
- My first trip with Contiki! We started from Ho Chi Minh City, traveled all the way up to Nha Trang, Hoi An and Ha Long bay. We had so much fun!!
- 6小时在吉隆坡转机可以做什么?快进来看看吧!
- 来吧!来玩转吉隆坡吧!
- 奥克兰机场 Strata Lounge休息室 & 马航 MH130 体验
- 第一次在奥克兰国际机场使用 Strata Lounge 休息室以及第一次乘马航 MH130飞吉隆坡的体验
- 我的第一次纹身经验!
- 去新普利茅斯(New Plymouth)可以做的九件事
- 这个长周末去了新普利茅斯晚了两天两夜,第三天早上就回奥克兰了,所以就不算了~
- 4天在越南参与STA travel Big Bash 难忘经历
- 4天在越南参与STA travel Big Bash 庆典难忘经历
- 乘坐海南航空是种怎样的体验?深圳 - 奥克兰 HU7931实录
- 乘坐海南航空是种怎样的体验?深圳 - 奥克兰 HU7931实录
- 斐济跳岛7日游丨蓝色泻湖浮潜、跟魔鬼鱼游泳、Seaspray Sailing……
- 我们分别去了三个外岛:住了Oarsmans Bay Resort、Barefoot Manta Resort还有Beachcomber~